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Our personnel sharing agreement with the various USA and STARS nuclear plants provided much benefit in Refuel 18. Shared employees assisted in several departments and we greatly value having their knowledge, expertise and support.

Shared employees and their home plants are:

Operations: Terry Romig, Wolf Creek, Fred Scadin, Fermi, Mark Cimadon, Fermi, Clifton Bowen, Fermi, Scott Shroyer, Fermi, Billy Morris, Cooper

Maintenance: Kendal Gunlock, Wolf Creek

Quality Control: Sam Calvert, Wolf Creek and Leroy Weidner, Wolf Creek

Radiation Protection: Glen Vinklarek, Wolf Creek, Tim Patten, Wolf Creek and John Schepers, Wolf Creek

Pictured Above: Sam Calvert (above right) and Leroy Weidner (above left) of Wolf Creek

Pictured Above: Glen Vinklarek (left) and Tim Patten (right) of Wolf Creek